March 29, 2011

A Few Questions About Challenge

So, during our two recent informational meetings there were questions about Challenge.  Since I didn't know the answers, I could not give definitive answers.  We are embarking on uncharted territory for Michele and I, so we will learn this right along with you.

I'm sure that Michele will hold Challenge A informational meetings soon and will be able to answer any additional questions that you may have as well.

Question: Can children take subjects on more than one level of Challenge in the same year?

Answer: Children can go to whichever of the Saxon maths that are provided that best meets his/her needs, but all other subjects need to be taken within the child's group.  

Now, I would love to speak with you in more depth if you need more information about this answer.  However, I thought it would be nice for other interested parents to get a glimpse of questions.

March 28, 2011

Parent Night 2011

Parent Night will be Friday, April 1st at 7 pm!

Each class will give a presentation.  Essentials students will read papers. Memory Master Awards will be presented. Dessert will be eaten.  Fellowship will be shared by all. 

CC members please invite family members to come watch your children shine!  Bring a dessert or something salty, if you would rather. 

CC prospects, please come watch our children strut their stuff and enjoy our dessert and fellowship!

March 27, 2011

Parent Practicums

Today at the Director Training we were told the dates of the upcoming parent practicums in North Carolina.  There might be a few additional dates that are going to be released, but I'll go ahead and share these so that you can mark your calendars for the one you would like to attend.

May 10-12 Burlington 
May 17-19 Wilson
June 1-3 Jacksonville
June 6-8 Boone
June 7-9 Cary
June 27-29 Asheville
June 28-30 Wilmington
July 6-8 Waxhaw

The Parent Practicums are free for parents!  Camps are offered for the children for $30 per child for the three days.  More information is provided on the CC link on the upper right hand corner of this blog, so I won't rewrite it here.  The camps fill up very quickly, as in minutes!  So, if you are planning on coming, keep checking the website and register your children as soon as you see it's open. 

Classical Conversations' Parent Practicum are designed to share more about classically educating yourself and your children.  The topics covered are more 'big picture' and visionary.  The parent practicums are not the place to learn more about the day to day of the Classical Conversations Communities.  If you have any questions about those topics, please email me or post a comment with your email address. 

The Parent Practicums are also where the tutors are trained each year.  Each afternoon after lunch the parents who will be tutoring for their groups go to tutor training and the remaining parents have informational sessions on topics that will support their endeavors in classically home educating their children. The tutor training provides so many great ideas.  I wish that all parents went to tutor training or something just like it. However, our tutors do 'train' each week in class, so it's all good!

Normally, in order to go to tutor training you have to already be hired as a tutor for your community.  However, I learned today that I can have two parents come as 'substitute tutors' that can be trained in the afternoons at the parent practicums, even though they have not been hired as tutors.  So, if you are interested in this let me know, but first you will need to register your family and join our group!

March 26, 2011

Director Training

Today I spent the entire day in Cary at Director Training for Classical Conversations.  I came away with gobs of new information and my head is swimming with all of it.  Instead of inundating our current community members and prospects with emails, I thought the best solution would be to blog about the things that I learned.  Anyone who needs to reference the material can just come back here and read it again.

Lisa Bailey, the NC state director who led the training, did a wonderful job of mixing the tedious 'business' side of directing with the 'inspirational' side of classically homeschooling our children within our communities. 

Lots of notes were taken and questions were answered that have been asked at our informational meetings.  The next few blog posts will be used to break that information up into topics so that each post isn't too involved or too lengthy.