January 30, 2012

Regional Information Meetings

Fuquay, Holly Springs, Garner and Cary Joint Info Meetings

Are you curious about the classical model of learning? Are you interested in the classical model, but have found yourself overwhelmed trying to execute it? Do you want your children to know God and be able to make Him known to others? Does homeschooling through high school seem like a daunting task? Are you looking for support and accountability among other like-minded homeschooling families?
Wherever you are on the homeschool journey, please consider joining us at an Information Meeting to see if Classical Conversations is what you are looking for. 

We will have representatives from the Holly Springs, Garner and Cary campuses of CC to talk about the Foundations, Essentials and Challenge programs on Thursday, January 26 from 7-9 pm at Swift Creek Baptist Church on Penny Road and on Saturday, February 25th from 9-11am at Colonial Baptist Church on Tryon Road.  Details are below.

January Meeting
Date and Time:  Thursday, January 26, 2012 from 7-9 pm

Location: Swift Creek Baptist Church, 9300 Penny Road, Raleigh, NC  27606
Contact: Lora Mays, loramays@nc.rr.com 

February Meeting
Date and Time:  Saturday, February 25, 2012 from 9-11 am

Location: Colonial Baptist Church, 6051 Tryon Road, Cary, NC  27518
Contact: Rebecca Carter,  chbcary@yahoo.com   

Even if you are part of a CC Foundations/Essentials community, these informational meetings are helpful to get more information about the Challenge programs. 

What Does My Day Look Like?

Here is a slide of my excel document with my children's schedule on it.
I will cut out each child's schedule, laminate it and have them check it off.

"CC Extension Work" is when we go into more depth about the CC subjects, such as Science or History.
This is also when my children work on their presentations.

This schedule is tweaked throughout the year, but the order of the day stays the same, for the most part.  I believe the consistency helps the children.  

Even if I never got out of bed, my children know exactly what they are supposed to do every day. 

Now, would they do it?
Let's hope so.

(If you want the excel document, please email me)

November 30, 2011

Homeschooling Through Highschool... Need Help?

Homeschooling for the Long Term
Do friends and family ask you, "How long are you going to homeschool?"  Are you asking yourself the same question?  Does the thought of homeschooling for the long term (through high school) excite you?  Terrify you?  Exhaust you?  Would you like some practical information on how to successfully navigate the high school years with your children?
If so, please join us on Saturday, January 28, 2012 from 9am to noon at Open Door Baptist Church (9801 Durant Road, Raleigh, NC  27614) for a free seminar on "Homeschooling for the Long Term."  Our speaker will be Lisa Bailey, a homeschooling mom of two high school students.  Lisa's oldest daughter will graduate in Spring, 2012 and her younger daughter is in 9th grade.  Lisa and her husband, David have homeschooled their girls from the beginning.  They are in it for the long term. For the past 8 years, their family has been a part of a Classical Conversations (CC) community, and Lisa will share how the CC Challenge programs for middle school and high school students have benefited her family.
Please email Rebecca Carter at rebecca@3carters.com to RSVP or ask any questions.  The seminar is open to everyone, however we ask that you RSVP so that we can prepare appropriately.
Thank you.

August 18, 2011

Dessert Social Details

Our Dessert Social/Parent Night will be next Tuesday, August 30th @ 7 pm. 

We will have a brief meeting first so please arrive at 6:45ish so you will have time to set up your dessert and drink. 

If you want to know more details about the actual meeting, please see the blog post before this one.

This social is for your entire family and the meeting will be as brief as we can make it.  Please bring a dessert or appetizer, if you wish and a drink to share. 

July 29, 2011

Dessert Social

On Tuesday, August 30th we will have our annual parent meeting and dessert social for our Fuquay CC Families.

The brief meeting will start at 7 pm.

We will go over some key housekeeping items for our group.

Some things to be considering and praying about {so no one is caught like a deer in headlights}:

Field Trip Coordinator- it's pretty self explanatory, but you would be in charge of finding things in the area to do and organizing the events or arranging another mom to help you.

Social Coordinator- is hospitality your gift? are you willing to organize a few parent's night out? game night? pedicures? service projects?

Historian- we would love it if someone would take photos along the way so that at the end of the year we could have a cute photoshow on a cd for each family

See you all soon!

F-U-L-L !

Thanks be to the Lord!

At the end of last year, our group was down to the bare bones because several students had aged out of Foundations or chosen another option for their families.

Considering I was now the new director, I was really hoping that we would grow at least a little bit.

Well, we did! The Lord has brought together several wonderful families for our group next year. We have three classes and they are all full!

Obviously, we can have up to 64 students and we only have 24, but our current classes are full, so that is all that matters to me.

I'm looking forward to this year and what the Lord has planned for us.

July 19, 2011

Filling Up...

I just finished my last formal informational meeting of the summer and was encouraged by the moms that I met with tonight.

The Lord has really provided for our group and we are filling up very nicely for next year. I'm thankful for several new families that are signed up and looking forward to the new friendships that will develop between the children and parents.

If you are interested in joining our CC Fuquay group please get in touch with me before it's too late. We might actually have a waiting list soon... Can you imagine??

June 9, 2011

Parent Practicums

I'm at the last day of the three day parent practicum for Classical Conversations, and when I find time, I will blog more about what I learned this week.

I am so thrilled that it has been great this year!

June 1, 2011

Teaching the Trivium

I've been reading Teaching the Trivium and I have thoroughly enjoyed the first four chapters.  Honestly, I feel like I could blog about something every page.  However, I will just write this for tonight.

"We first instruct the child in Knowledge or Grammar; then we guide the child in Understanding or Logic; and finally we challenge the child in Wisdom or Rhetoric." (emphasis added)

If you are interested in learning more about Classical Education and the reasons why you should homeschool, I would strongly urge you to read Teaching the Trivium and have your husbands read it as well, if they are willing.