July 29, 2011

Dessert Social

On Tuesday, August 30th we will have our annual parent meeting and dessert social for our Fuquay CC Families.

The brief meeting will start at 7 pm.

We will go over some key housekeeping items for our group.

Some things to be considering and praying about {so no one is caught like a deer in headlights}:

Field Trip Coordinator- it's pretty self explanatory, but you would be in charge of finding things in the area to do and organizing the events or arranging another mom to help you.

Social Coordinator- is hospitality your gift? are you willing to organize a few parent's night out? game night? pedicures? service projects?

Historian- we would love it if someone would take photos along the way so that at the end of the year we could have a cute photoshow on a cd for each family

See you all soon!

F-U-L-L !

Thanks be to the Lord!

At the end of last year, our group was down to the bare bones because several students had aged out of Foundations or chosen another option for their families.

Considering I was now the new director, I was really hoping that we would grow at least a little bit.

Well, we did! The Lord has brought together several wonderful families for our group next year. We have three classes and they are all full!

Obviously, we can have up to 64 students and we only have 24, but our current classes are full, so that is all that matters to me.

I'm looking forward to this year and what the Lord has planned for us.

July 19, 2011

Filling Up...

I just finished my last formal informational meeting of the summer and was encouraged by the moms that I met with tonight.

The Lord has really provided for our group and we are filling up very nicely for next year. I'm thankful for several new families that are signed up and looking forward to the new friendships that will develop between the children and parents.

If you are interested in joining our CC Fuquay group please get in touch with me before it's too late. We might actually have a waiting list soon... Can you imagine??